Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Edie Foley - WEEK 4 - MWR

Edie Foley
June 29, 2011 – Wednesday
Today was a start of the Stroller Roller class which gets better every class. Today they walked out sore and tired which is a great success face to me! I talked with them after class and we are going to take one “Stroller Roller” class during the month and make it a walking only day. This will help switch it up too so they don’t get bored. After this class, I had to meet with Nancy then the P.R. David to make final arrangements on the July Fitness schedule. Since I’m teaching 2 different classes, I had to have a description for the schedule of them as well. Therefore, most of the day was spent writing up a drafted schedule making sure everyone that taught class had written their description, and then explain it to David because he had to have my approval before making the schedule out. After I got done working with the schedule, I was able to go to the fitness center and help at the front desk because there is always something to clean, fold, organize, as well as signing people in and kicking non-military personnel out. I really enjoy the atmosphere I must say.

Edie Foley
June 30, 2011 – Thursday
Today I didn’t have to come in until 12:30 until 9pm so it was nice to sleep in for a change. Today is more of my relaxed days because of all of the work out prescriptions I have to make for the classes I’m going to be teaching. Then once I teach these classes I’ll be using this day to catch up on things I need to do regarding the classes I teach and meeting with Nancy. Today I had to go around collecting all the rules from each fitness facility and write them all in Microsoft Word so that if they ever needed to be changed, then they are already on file to change. After I had done this, I had another meeting with David, the P.R. guy, about ways to promote the fitness classes I’m doing besides having it on the schedule. We found a way to include the classes in an event pamphlet that military housing hands out to each house on base. After doing this, I took time to plan out my workout plans for my classes which took most of the remainder of my work period. I looked up fitness and health facts to share to the classes along with different workouts that can be done for my classes. I was more than happy when I was off work because it gets exhausting doing research for a long period of time.

Edie Foley
July 1, 2011 – Friday
Today’s work hours were different than a regular day because of the 4th of July event called “Freedom Fest” that happens on base a few days before the 4th. I came in at 10am meeting the with Liberty girls, who are the outdoors recreation and games coordinators for the Nuclear Power students on their base, and we talked about how I can help with the event that was going on that night. I was explained what was going to happen, along with the safety and other rules. Freedom Fest is an event full of activities and vendors for everyone on base along with their families. I met with David and he showed me the process of marketing and what has to be done to market this event. I liked this because I hadn’t experienced this part of the jobs along with the others I’ve been learning about. After hanging out with him most of the morning, at 3:30pm I had to go to the park area on base where the event was being held to help set up. It started to storm and rain at first but luckily it went away. I did realize that no “plan B” was planned incase of a storm so it’s a good thing it didn’t stay. The event started rolling at 5:30pm and I was in charge of the Potato Sack race, which went better than I thought. Once that event slowed down, my job from there on out was to help out with the other events such as rock climbing, paint balling, the inflatable’s, etc. It was a great experience to be able to help out each event station because I was able to get a taste of the different settings. I didn’t stay past my work time but I heard that it all went as planned. I just thought a Plan B should have been considered before letting this event take place.

Edie Foley
July 4, 2011 – Monday
Didn’t work today. Holiday.

Edie Foley
July 5, 2011 – Tuesday
Started the work day of at 7am until 3:30pm, this was a LONG day for me because neither of my bosses worked today so I was on my own. Usually I am use to them giving me a set of tasks and discussing my plans so instead today I used today as a day to get back in roll with things and my classes I’ll be starting up tomorrow. There wasn’t INDOC this morning because of people still being out from the holiday so I started out helping with the Fitness Center and learning more about the front desk duties. I shadow Riley, the Physical Trainer, a lot because I’m really interested in the field he is in and what he does. We went to the housing officer around noon and he was able to introduce me to the lady that deals with all the housing and getting the word out of any fitness classes to a lot of the dependents and in service military personnel. I was able to tell her about the classes I’m starting up and she was very helpful at contacting a lot of the military personnel’s in housing so I can start growing my classes. After this, I used the rest of the day to meet some of the other class fitness instructors that had come in to get the new schedules and got their perspective on instructing along with advice. I also was able to go over my plans for my fitness classes with Riley to get a 2nd opinion on what not and what to do for the class. Today was more successful than I thought it would be because of my bosses being out but I’m starting to learn things and do things on my own so it was a great experience to do things on my time, on my own, for today.

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