Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WEEK 1 - Edie Foley - MWR

Besides food poisoning yesterday at the local Mexican Cafe...I have had quite a bit of work and entertainment while I've been here in S.C.
At the end of Week 1, I am more than excited to be able to have the oppurtunity with the MWR program. Even though the paperwork I had to go through to get the internship started was a nightmare, it was more than worth it.
This week I have learned more than I have ever learned all in one week. I mainly learned about the base, where things were and the usage of each building. The bases are very large so I've gone from window touring to figuring where things are alone. There a lot of Group Fitness Classes that MWR offers and I have attended each one and continue to do so to learn more about different levels of fitness. I now, already have taken over a class called "Stroller Rollers" for an instructor that just had her baby. This class is for Moms to be and Current Mom, who also bring their children to class. We walk for about 1-2 miles, then while I give them some workout ideas (since the main instructor is gone) I make sure the kids are out of the way. Starting in July, I have already set up a class I will be teaching Wed. and Sat. called "Walk a thon" for anyone on any of the bases. This class will involve a 3.1 walk and is great for those who need motivation to get out.
Not only has this been going on, but I am also working on the athletic inventory and created a book to keep up with the different sports equiptment for the base, and help out around the athletics, aquatics and fitness center just learning their basics on running the facility.
One of my favorite things I have taken an inerest in, is the PT in the morning for the Navy. I have had to apply first aid to some as well as taking care of what we call "the pukers". I'm sure you can imagine what I mean. The guy that I assist, Riley, is about the same age as me and makes the job more interesting everyday. I am really thinking that fitness is the area of recreation I am wanting to focus on because with MWR, the fitness isn't just hitting the gym, but performing fitness through obstacle courses and games. I work every day of the week and each day I learn and do something new. This was definatly a great pick for myself!

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